Teacher & Para Bargaining Information
First off, thank you for your support during the teacher bargaining process. As you know, we have reached a tentative agreement with the District for aa 1.5% retroactive pay on the salary scale, and a 2.5% on the 2022-2023 salary scale. That is an overall 4.0375% next year over last year!
The Board of Trustees is set to vote on these scales at the Board Work Session tomorrow, Tuesday May 24, at Warren Elementary. We'd love for you to come and show your support, wear your green, and make public comment on the agenda item if you wish. The business meeting will start at about 5:00, following the Warren School presentation.
The Helena Education Association teacher members will vote on the salary scale on Wednesday and Thursday via Frontline Professional Growth (My Learning Plan). The HEA Bargaining team and the HEA Board of Directors encourage a YES vote.
The Para Educator Bargaining team has had one meeting. HEA asked for a $5.00 increase on each cell to bring us in line with starting salaries in Helena. The School District countered with a 1% increase on every cell which would range from 13 cents to 22 cents. Obviously we are way, way apart.
Para Bargaining will continue on Thursday. Our paras supported teachers in their bargaining process and teachers will support paras in their bargaining process. Wear your green on Thursday, and come to the Lincoln Center to join us if you would like!
Here are some cute bulletin board ideas if you are interested! (Any Building Rep that would like to build a bulletin board in support of our Bargaining--teacher and para--can put in for reimbursement up to $15.00.)
Thank you to all of you! We are stronger together!